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Professional Mentoring

Mentor sits with two students in the library


Professional Mentors offer support, encouragement, and so much more to our scholars. Serving as a mentor is also rewarding for you, as it allows you to play a major role in helping our scholars grow in self-confidence, assisting them in determining clear college and career goals, and bolstering their social network.

Mentor/mentee pairings meet every month to practice professional skills, explore careers fields of similar interest, and hold general community wellness “check-ins."

As a professional mentor, you'll provide scholars with a personal resource for career options and professional development as well as opportunities to discover more about their strengths and areas for growth. Best of all, you'll get to know an amazing group of talented, engaged young people eager to learn from your experience.

My mentor's a published author and I’m really interested in writing. For school, I wrote two chapters for a novel. I'm really inspired to finish it, and we're considering brainstorming together for more ideas.

– Havana,

Crossroads Mentee


Contact or call 412-661-9422 for more information!